When asked what do you paint? Van Gogh answers, "Sunlight".

The July 9th Constellation Workshop has come and gone and went very well. Amazing to do this work in person. The question we asked is where does the inner and outer sunlight meet. Find the source of creativity, start and finish projects, live a meaningful life.

In the workshop the personal light and the light of creation met in the human being. “There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful.” [ Fernando Pessoa] And within the pain exists the light that is needed to heal.

All Human beings carry within themselves a light that belongs to the Source. This light is our most precious substance. It is our divine essence, our true nature. It is also potentially the most powerful force in the universe, as it contains the power of the divine, the Source of all that is created.

Knowing that we are one reconnects us with the whole life in every moment, and in this reconnection we both empower and are empowered.  Our spiritual light is the light of the whole, and our light is also in service to the whole.

It is time for humanity to reclaim the knowledge of how the divine works within creation.  It is time for us to step into spiritual adulthood and realize the true meaning of co-creationism:  our divine light working with the divine light within creation.  It is up to us: if we do not take this step, a door will remain closed, and the soul of the world will know the despair of a lost opportunity.  If we respond to the call of the times, we will play our part in the miracle of life being reborn. Lewellyn Vaughn Lee

The next workshop will be at the end of August. August 20th 2022

Beginning in the fall there will be a series of Constellation Labs, Know Your Next Step. We will meet twice a month for 2 hour sessions. The Labs will be a safe space where you can ask questions and receive clarity seeing what’s involved and what’s behind your inquiry, the unseen influences of your family and ancestors. Know your next step.

Contact me if there is interest in the Lab and if you want information on Individual Family Constellation sessions.

Constellate Change

Painting of the sun by Vincent Van Gogh

When the Light of the World Awakens in Us

"Our ecological devastations and--more significantly--our collective desecration of all that is sacred are polluting the spiritual energy of life itself. Through our self-centeredness we are poisoning the spiritual lifeblood of the Earth such that the situation has become almost irreversible.

When the collective forgetfulness of humanity reaches a certain point, then humanity reverts to an earlier stage in its evolution. We see indications of this regression already in our collective greed for material possessions that have no spiritual purpose--that do not really nourish us. We are reverting to isolationism and a tribal sense of self-preservation. Yet this survival instinct is not founded upon any real need but upon the sense of a loss of a way of life, and an underlying anxiety that our culture's promises of continued prosperity may be false. A fundamental sacred purpose to life is being buried under all this debris. Soon it will be lost to our collective consciousness, and humanity will have regressed to a less spiritually developed stage. The signs of this are all around us, especially in the West, but they are obscured by the glitter of our possessions, by the toys of our technological development. But what is the purpose of all this outer development if the music of the soul is lost, if the spiritual purpose of life is forgotten?"...

"The awakening of the light of the world is an opportunity for us to reverse this cycle of forgetfulness and remember why we are here...When the light of the world awakens in us, we can begin to redeem what has been desecrated and empower the whole of humanity to take the next step in its evolution. Without this light we cannot see where we are going or the work that needs to be done....With the light of the world there will also be dangers. An individual participating in this work might not fully acknowledge that this light is for the whole and could take the light of the world for his(her) own. Individuals or groups might try to use the light for their own purposes, even with good intentions, not recognizing or respecting the much bigger process in which they are participating. As the vibration of this light is very specifically designed for its real purpose, it only works properly in service to the whole, as a part of the organic wholeness of life. If it is misused, it can become destructive. This energy is the whole of life, recreating itself from the highest level. It cannot be beneficially used for any other purpose."

--Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Alchemy of Light

You Are Not Them (Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather)

Many people now know the work to untangle our primary relationships. What is ours and what is not ours, recognizing our ancestral lineage, seeing where the trauma is repeated. The nuances are many. And the ability to do this process usually takes someone else’s help or a deep desire to know by seeing what shows up in your life.

There are a few psychological methods that are used like medicine. And a few practitioners know when and how to prescribe what. Eventually the way with Spirit must become bigger. Why are we here? Like the artist Gaugin writes on this painting, D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ? Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?

Paul Gauguin 1897-1898 Oil on canvas

Paul Gauguin 1897-1898 Oil on canvas


“I am your mother’s first kiss and your grandparents lips. I’m the sun and the water. I am a parents love and a brother’s honor…”

Extraordinary how life continues moving forward.

“Like the house of the body, the house that a person sleeps in must be very beautiful and sturdy, but not so sturdy that it won’t fall apart after a while. If your house doesn’t fall apart, then there will be no reason to renew it. And it is this renewability that makes something valuable.” Martin Prechtel

Here is the short poem  I AM by Noah Kaplan.

“I am me and I am you.”

Standing Holy

This photographs of Sitting Bulls Daughter, Standing Holy, and her father Sitting Bull. She carries qualities forward from her father. See the resemblance?

And so our mothers and grandmothers have,
more often than not anonymously, handed on
the creative spark, the seed of the flower they
themselves never hoped to see - or like a sealed
letter they could not plainly read.
Alice Walker

They lived in a different time, so what is created will be different.

You belong to your ancestors and they go first, moving forward ahead of you. As you follow the ancient ones, there is a time when you are the leader.

The Inner Landscape

“How often do we use a spiritual or psychological practice with the attitude of “what can it give me?” or “how will I benefit?” We do not appreciate the real nature of the inner world, which is not just concerned with our personal gain.”

This quote is from Moshkel Gosha A Story of Transformation. Commentary by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

In this excerpt attached. He talks about the archetypal world of the dragon.

Dragon Second Page.jpg
Dragon #3.jpg
Dragon #4.jpg

Silence is the Greatest Ceremony

About the Systemic Constellations and why I  added this training to my professional practice over 10 years ago. 

What drew me to Constellations are the teachings implicit in this work. The process inherently includes a sacred space of knowing without overtly saying anything literal about spirituality, philosophy or wisdom. Which is amazing, as words (especially these days) can diminish the intimacy with the silence. This space everyone  has known as children, before childhood became too heavy. As a child we lived this place as innocence in every moment, with the possibilities to begin again and again.

Constellations also brings community together quickly and deeply, on more dimensions than just what we see.

I indignantly answered, “Do you call light what we men call the worst darkness? Do you call day night?”

To this my soul spoke a word that roused my anger, “My light is not of this world.”

I cried, “I know of no other world!”

The soul answered, “Should it not exist because you know nothing of it?” 

― C.G. Jung The Red Book

Included  in the process are 3 positions. An Issue Holder, Representatives and Witnesses.

Some facilitators differentiate between prices for the Issue Holder and then the Representatives/Witnesses. (As it seems on the outside you ‘get’ more from being an Issue Holder). For marketing this makes some sense and may be needed, but from the view of the soul this dividing is not the beauty of the work.

Representatives are a way to encounter the  essential truth of humanity, that we are here for others, not for ourselves. This unspoken teaching in Constellations is as important as an Issue Holder, if not more so. Often times in the Representative position we connect with the issue as if it was our own, in a simpler way, not attached to the outcome. Therefore, we can receive an understanding that won’t be hijacked by the tenacity of the ego. 

Another part that is so essential is the circle of witnesses. Witnessing in all spiritual work is primary.

Witnessingan awareness of what is happening in the inner and outer worlds. It means a state of awareness that sees without judgment, without expectation, without wanting anything, and in particular without wanting anything to change.

This is a very, very important esoteric spiritual practice—to witness, to watch. (Llewellyn Vaughn Lee)

These are some of the parts of the process of constellations that are not visible but are an important step in creating a realization separate from our patterns. 

If you are an artist or professional in the healing arts and want to use creativity as a process of transformation to remove obstacles, I am giving individual sessions at a reduced rate for the next few weeks.

Contact me at ConstellateChange.com. In the subject on the contact page put Creativity. Or DM me through the Facebook page, Creative Constellations.

We Are Not Here By Chance

Life comes first.

We are not here by chance. We are here by an expression of a very deep drive of life, a very deep spiritual purpose. And if we look at our deepest ideals and hopes in our heart what do we find? To create beauty , to share love . And here we find the drives of why we are here. If any one of these things are missing our life is not complete.

We have to consciously disconnect that we are here by chance and connect with the purpose as a species, as an entire planetary life family. And underneath all the species of plants and animals is the life of Mother Earth whom we are all children. Our Mother nourishes us our body which is made of her substance her Earth. Our life energy is her energy, our thoughts even our creative expressions are hers, our hopes and dreams. We are all one family, her children. This recognition of the underlying unity of life gives the sense of fulfillment..

Transcribed from a COP25 climate change conference panel which included Sraddhalu Ranade who spoke these words at COP25 with the GPIW.

Sraddhalu Ranade is a scientist, educationist and scholar. He has been residing at Sri Aurobindo Ashram since he was six months old, where he grew up in the care of late Sri M. P. Pandit.


Connecting with Creativity.


From Generation to Generation

Delia LaJeunesse a mid 20’s young woman, one of the founders of Staindmagazine.com wrote me:

I do ask my mama about her mother frequently but I tend to get the same answers and I am somehow unsatisfied. She lived a very interesting life, but what I’m curious about is her internal world. What she struggled with, what held her back, what liberated. How love moved through her body, etc. My mom doesn’t seem to know the answers to this.

I’ve been peeling through Frida Kahlos diary, attached is an image that spoke to me. 


From what I’ve recently read “The egg that created you was formed inside of your mother’s fetus while she was inside of your grandmother’s womb." 

If your grandmothers are still alive get to know them. If not, you can still connect with them through the life you live, by living their unanswered questions.


A Gift For Your Altar

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. (Rumi translation)

This we can trust, find and feel. Sometimes this knowledge is just a whisper. Sometimes to know we need outside guidance. Usually not much, just a hint. Using the services of Creative Constellations one session can last a longtime. If we know our work or what’s in the way, adding that focus to an altar can shine a light on the process.

Recently I chose a card from one of the 54 cards from the Gathering Story deck. [http://www.creativeconstellations.net/cards/] The question was what’s important to me now and forever ? What came was CREATIVITY. I framed the print and placed it where I can see the image and the word to remind me. Like a prayer.

If your interested in a small piece of artwork from the cards, contact me with a question or a focus. Here is a link to the steps. [http://www.creativeconstellations.net/card-readings/

CreativityFront copy 2.jpg