When asked what do you paint? Van Gogh answers, "Sunlight".

The July 9th Constellation Workshop has come and gone and went very well. Amazing to do this work in person. The question we asked is where does the inner and outer sunlight meet. Find the source of creativity, start and finish projects, live a meaningful life.

In the workshop the personal light and the light of creation met in the human being. “There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful.” [ Fernando Pessoa] And within the pain exists the light that is needed to heal.

All Human beings carry within themselves a light that belongs to the Source. This light is our most precious substance. It is our divine essence, our true nature. It is also potentially the most powerful force in the universe, as it contains the power of the divine, the Source of all that is created.

Knowing that we are one reconnects us with the whole life in every moment, and in this reconnection we both empower and are empowered.  Our spiritual light is the light of the whole, and our light is also in service to the whole.

It is time for humanity to reclaim the knowledge of how the divine works within creation.  It is time for us to step into spiritual adulthood and realize the true meaning of co-creationism:  our divine light working with the divine light within creation.  It is up to us: if we do not take this step, a door will remain closed, and the soul of the world will know the despair of a lost opportunity.  If we respond to the call of the times, we will play our part in the miracle of life being reborn. Lewellyn Vaughn Lee

The next workshop will be at the end of August. August 20th 2022

Beginning in the fall there will be a series of Constellation Labs, Know Your Next Step. We will meet twice a month for 2 hour sessions. The Labs will be a safe space where you can ask questions and receive clarity seeing what’s involved and what’s behind your inquiry, the unseen influences of your family and ancestors. Know your next step.

Contact me if there is interest in the Lab and if you want information on Individual Family Constellation sessions.

Constellate Change

Painting of the sun by Vincent Van Gogh